SocioEcos Network

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Main interest of our research are the people and nature interactions using social-ecological frameworks.

Our studies are focused on:

  • the results of people and nature interactions in different environmental, cultural, social-economic and governance contexts. We have gained experience in urban, agricultural, forest and basin social-ecological systems.
  • the impacts of, and over, these interactions and the search for strategies that disrupt and promote the management and planning of socio-ecosystems, such as, land use changes, reforestation, greening, payment for ecosystem services, eco-labelling.
  • the search for nexus between our research activities and different stakeholders in order to promote the social-ecosystem sustainability. We offer courses, lectures, training, workshops and consultancy to enterprises, government and non-government institutions, graduate and post-graduate students and other stakeholders interested in sustainability of social-ecological systems.

Keywords: biodiversity, ecosystem services, nature’s contributions to people, beneficiaries, governance, stakeholders, payment for ecosystem services, ecological valuation, cultural valuation, social valuation economic valuation, environmental legislation, sustainability, research, teaching, consultancy, communication.