The Institute
IADIZA conducts scientific research directed toward understanding and explaining the structure and functioning of drylands, promoting bonds with society, through transfer and dissemination of knowledge, building of human resources and teaching. Our vision is to create a reference organism for research and development, multi- and interdisciplinary as well as participative, integrated in the scientific, technological, social, political and economic context. Our main goal is promoting knowledge and sustainability of drylands and responding to the demands and problems of local, national and international environments.
Generating scientific knowledge directed toward understanding and explaining the structure and functioning of dryland ecological systems (hyper-arid, arid, semiarid and dry sub-humid), using an integrated multiscale approach.
Communicating the generated knowledge through specialized scientific journals. Contributing to development of technologies for conservation and sustainable use of dryland ecological systems.
Promoting links with society through exchange, transfer and dissemination of knowledge, building of human resources, and teaching.
Interacting with scientific, technical and academic institutions, in this country and abroad, in joint research and teaching programs.
Cooperating in the design of policies, planning and management –at local, national and international scale- related to conservation and sustainable use of dryland ecological systems.
Organizing, strengthening and safeguarding biological collections representative of drylands.
Protecting, strengthening and managing the Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán and Range Experiment Stations in its custody.
Providing advice and scientific-technical tools to government agencies with competence in the creation, management and development of protected areas.
IADIZA was created on November 25, 1972, by agreement between CONICET, the National University of Cuyo and Mendoza Government. It evolved from a former institute, IIZAS (Institute for Research on Arid and Semiarid Lands), which was an organism of the Government of Mendoza (Law 3684 issued on July 15, 1970). Between 1986 and early 1993 it became a Research Area of the Regional Center for Scientific and Technological Research (CRICYT). It was reestablished as an Institute in March 1993 from Resolution No. 420 of the Board of Directors of CONICET. By its Law of Creation and subsequent agreements, IADIZA is an organism dependent on three parties: CONICET, National University of Cuyo and Government of Mendoza, which accounts for its diversity of goals and functions.