Are mycorrhizal networks the rule? Digging into ectomycorrhizal fungi ecology in the neotropics

El martes 5 de febrero, Mélanie Roy (Universidad de Toulouse) brindará una charla titulada: Are mycorrhizal networks the rule? Digging into ectomycorrhizal fungi ecology in the neotropics. La misma se llevará a cabo partir de las 11.00 en la Sala Latinoamericana del CCT Mendoza.

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31 de enero de 2019


Ectomycorrhizal fungi are able to associate with several host species and can form mycorrhizal networks, as demonstrated in temperate forests. Ectomycorrhizal fungi are supposed to be rare in the neotropical lowlands, but the few investigations have revealed diverse strategies, including very specific associations.

Based on field sampling, herbarium studies and root cores, we will investigate their distribution and specialization, and try to test if mycorrhizal networks could occur in such hyper-diverse forests.