Research Lines

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  • Systematics, Phylogeny and Biogeography of:

Carabidae (Coleoptera): Roig Juñent, Sergio.

Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera): Agrain, Federico.

Fanniidae (Diptera): Domínguez, Cecilia.

Phasmidae: Domínguez, Cecilia.

Staphylinidae (Coleoptera): Posse, Chani .

Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera): Flores, Gustavo .

  • Forensic Entomology: 

Jofré, Fernando; Flores, Gustavo; Domínguez, Cecilia; Posse, Chani.

  • Insect juvenile stages:

Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera): Agrain, Federico.

Fanniidae (Diptera): Domínguez, Cecilia.

Staphylinidae: Posse, Mariana.

Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera): Flores, Gustavo.

  • Use of molecular data in systematics and phylogeography:

Coleoptera: S. Roig Juñent, Mariana Griotti.

Arácnidos: M. Florencia Fernández Campón, Mariana Griotti.

Reptiles: Corbalán, Valeria.

Carabidae: S. Roig-Juñent.

Phylogeography of high-altitude wetland arthropods: Fernández Campón, Florencia.

Functional genomics and evolutionary transition: oviparity, viviparity and parthenogenesis in a model vertebrate, lizards of the Liolaemus darwinii (Squamata, Liolaemini) group”. Research team:Melisa Olave, Mariana Morando & Luciano Avila (IPEEC-CENPAT).

“VIENTACUA: Wind as a modulating factor of aquatic biodiversity in Patagonian wetlands”. Research team: Melisa Olave & Luis Beltrán Epele (IPEEC-CENPAT).

Diptera and Phasmatidae: Cecilia Dominguez, Melisa Olave

  • Conservation:

Conservation of Alsodes pehuenche frog: Corbalán, Valeria.

Conservation of Chacoan region arachnids: Fernández Campón, Florencia.

Patagonian insect conservation: Roig Juñent, Sergio; Flores, Gustavo; Posse, Chani; Carrara, Rodolfo. 

Biodiversity conservation, biogeography, macroecology, systematic conservation planning: Carrara, Rodolfo, Roig Juñent, Sergio. 

Global warming effects and conservation of insects from the southern hemisphere. International collaboration (Argentina- Switzerland) lead by: Melisa Olave & Nadir Alvarez (Natural History Museum in Geneva, Switzerland).

  • Ecology, Biogeography, Biology:

Biodiversity of aquatic insect communities in central western Argentina: Scheibler, Erica. 

Thermal Biology, Ecology, Distribution and Ecophysiology of lizards: Corbalán, Valeria; Literas, Sofía.

Macroecology and predictive models of distribution. Climate change past demographic responses and future predictions”. Carrara, Rodolfo; Olave, Melisa; Roig-Juñent, Sergio; Griotti, Mariana.

Ecology of mountain arachnid communities. Fernández Campón, Florencia.

Study of the trophic ecology and degree of specialization in the diet of the spiders of the family Zodariidaeampón, Gabriel Pompozzi.

Ecology and diversity of spiders associated with agroecosystems and their role as potential biological controllers.

  • Aquatic ecology:

Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators of environmental quality. Scheibler, Erica.

Vulnerability of aquatic invertebrate species and communities to climate change and anthropogenic impact. Scheibler Erica, Sara I. Montemayor & Cecilia Melo.

Monitoring of lotic and lentic systems in mountain and anthropophysed environments. Scheibler, Erica.

Determination of the degree of connectivity between high-altitude wetlands from comparative phylogeographic studies of Hemiptera (Insecta) species. Scheibler Erica & Florencia Fernández Campón. 

  • Behaviour:

Behavioral ecology, sociability in arachnids, high mountain arachnid communities: Fernández Campón, Florencia, Gabriel Pompozzi.

  • Management and control of pest insects and insects of veterinary medical interest:

Diptera of medical interest: Domínguez, Cecilia.
